The Liturgical Institute at the University of Saint Mary of the Lake/Mundelein Seminary, in collaboration with Liturgy Training Publications, produces books designed to reflect the character, purpose and ideals of the Liturgical Institute. The imprint, entitled Hillenbrand Books, is innovative and scholarly, advancing the Catholic theological tradition in relation to the liturgical and sacramental life of the Church. The books in the imprint incorporate classical and modern scholarship in a clear and direct style so as to serve the needs of professors, pastors, students, and laity. The principle that all theology is pastoral in intent and that all pastoral life must be rooted in solid theological understanding inform Hillenbrand Books. The imprint is firmly committed to the decisions, initiatives and reforms of the Church in the area of liturgy during and since the Second Vatican Council.

Hillenbrand Books:

An Abundance of Graces

Reflections on Sacrosanctum Concilium

Pamela Jackson

This thought-provoking, scholarly commentary takes a retrospective look at Sacrosanctum Concilium, and reflects on the Constitution in light of three questions:

• What is Sacrosanctum Concilium's vision of what is actually "going on" in the celebration of the liturgy—what is the purpose of the liturgy that was given to the Church?

• What is the nature of the liturgical changes called for by the Council Fathers?

• What aspects of Sacrosanctum Concilium still need to receive attention?

978-1-59525-003-2 188 pages £19.99

Baptism in the Medieval West

J. D. C. Fisher

This reissue of Fisher's classic work introduces the reader to primary sources that led the author to the theory of the disintegration of the primitive rite of initiation. His material is covered geographically according to liturgical areas. This work remains required reading for study of the history and theology of Christian initiation.

978-1-59525-001-8 240 pages £32.50

Become What You Receive

A Systematic Study of the Eucharist

John H. McKenna, CM

Examines the use of sign and symbol as it pertains to the study of the Eucharist. He clarifies their use from anthropological, phenomenological, ecumenical, and New Testament perspectives. The author expertly analyzes historical as well as current eucharistic theologies.

978-159525-036-0 248 pages £21.50 - No longer available

Cardinal Reflections

Active Participation and the Liturgy

Francis Cardinal Arinze, Jorge Cardinal Medina, Francis Cardinal George, George Cardinal Pell et al

This thought-provoking collection presents four different examinations of the concepts of active participation and the liturgy by four leading contemporary figures in liturgical and sacramental theology today. A thoughtful introduction by Cardinal George Pell leads into the essays by Cardinal Francis Arinze, Cardinal Francis George, and Cardinal Jorge Médina. This book also contains the document Sacrosanctum Concilium.

978-1-59525-013-1 104 pages £6.99

Catholic Church Architecture and the Spirit of the Liturgy

Denis McNamara

Foreword by Scott Hahn

This book forms a foundational sourcebook for those studying, designing, building, and renovating Catholic churches. It is intended to find the middle of the road between differing and sometimes conflicting theories of liturgical architecture, it will give architects and committees the theological language and tools to understand the elements of church design and serve as a point of unity in decision making. Highly illustrated with black and white, and colour photographs.

978-1-59525-027-8 256 pages £52.00 hardback - No longer available

Catholic Music Through the Ages

Balancing the Needs of a Worshipping Church

Edward Schaefer

The Music of the Catholic Church traces the development of the Church's music through the ages by placing the current liturgical musical landscape into proper historical context. By highlighting the common principles that the Church has used over time in addressing the expressive and formative dynamic of music, this work is able to present an informed discussion about the future so that the elements of spiritual solemnity, transcendence, and beauty will be maintained, along with the expressive nature of contemporary music.

978-1-59525-020-9 272 pages £28.50


Becoming Icons of Christ through the Liturgy
Andrew Hofer, OP   Editor

Written as an accessible introduction to the Catholic theology of divinization through the Liturgy, this remarkable study explains the claim that God transforms the Christian people through the Church’s Liturgy to share in his divine nature.  This is a short collection of essays that serves as a coherent introduction to how God makes the faithful in the pews partakers in his divine nature through the action of the liturgy.

978-1-59525-041-4 164 pages £17.99

Christ and the Catholic Priesthood

Ecclesial Hierarchy and the Pattern of Trinity

Matthew Levering

This book approaches the topic of hierarchy in the Church through Trinitarian and soteriological reflection, unified by dialogic engagement with the biblical, patristic, and metaphysical resources of St. Thomas Aquinas's theology.

978-1-59525-029-2 224 pages £32.50 hardback

Christian Eloquence

Contemporary Doctrinal Preaching

C. Colt Anderson

Featuring detailed analysis of medieval homilies and sermons from St. Augustine, St. Gregory the Great, St. Bonaventure, John Colet, and Henry Suso, as well as original sermons available for the first time in English from Peter Damien and Stephen Langdon, this book is an ideal tool for pastors, deacons, retreat leaders, and homiletic students. It also serves to introduce readers into the theology and the history of the period.

978-1-59525-005-6 250 pages £19.99

The Church building as a Sacred Place

Beauty, Transendence and the Eternal

Duncan G. Stroik

Packed with informative essays and over 170 photographs, this collection will help priests, bishops, liturgical consultants, lay commissions and parishioners understand the Church’s architectural tradition.
This retrospective and forward-looking collection of 23 essays by Duncan Stroik shows the development and consistency of his architectural vision over the last eighteen years. The essays cover church modernism and modernity, renaissance and renewal, principles of church design, and a critique of modern iconoclasm.
The appendices feature: a bibliography, a useful chart showing the comparative size of well known churches, as well as comparative sizes of baldacchinos in Rome, and a list of canonical documents pertaining to church architecture

978-1-59525-037-7 224 pages £60 hardback

Church, World, and Kingdom

The Eucharistic Foundation of Alexander Schmemann’s

Pastoral Theology

William C.Mills

The author's theological legacy has influenced all levels of Church life. His books, articles, essays, and sermons are known world-wide and translated into numerous languages and have been referenced by theologians in the East and the West. William C. Mills expertly reminds us that for Alexander Schmemann, the scriptures, doctrine, faith, teachings, practices, and prayers of the Church are expressed and fully realized in the Eucharistic gathering. Alexander Schmemann's theology was influential from the Second Vatican Council onward, not only on his own Orthodox tradition, but also on Roman Catholic and Protestant liturgical theology.

978-1-59525-038-4 193 pages £14.99


The Baby in Solomon’s Court Revised & Updated

Paul Turner

This book presents seven models of Confirmation: Christian Initiation of Adults, Chrismation, Protestant-Anglican Churches, Catholic Initiation, Confirmation of Children, Adolescent Confirmation, and Persons in Danger of Death. The chapter presentations cover how each model developed and how each model interprets the meaning of Confirmation.

978-1-59525-014-8 196 pages £14.99

Confirmation Then and Now

J. D. C. Fisher

If you would like to know about Confirmation - where it comes from, what it means, and it's future - this book is for you. In this reissue of his classic study of the sacramental rite of Confirmation, Fisher examines what the early rite of Confirmation consisted of and what grace it was believed to confer in the period when there is undisputed evidence of the rite's existence. It follows the same pagination as the earlier edition for ease of reference in study.

978-1-59525-010-0 216 pages £19.50

The Eucharistic Epiclesis:

A Detailed History from the Patristic to the Modern Era

John McKenna

The moment in which the Eucharistic gifts of bread and wine become the consecrated Body and Blood of Christ has long been a point of contention between the Churches of the East and West.  John McKenna seeks to offer a separate approach to this issue by exploring the role of the epiclesis throughout history and proposing a theology that  focuses on the efficacy of the entire Eucharistic prayer.

978-1-59525-025-4 128 pages £24.99

The Forgotten Instruction

The Roman Liturgy, Inculturation, and Legitimate Adaptions

Kenneth J. Martin

Explores the evolution of the Church's theology and practice of inculturation and understand how these insights have influenced the accomodations and adaptions made within the Roman Liturgy with this new book. Beginning with the teachings of the Second Vatican Council, travelling through Pope John Paul II’s understanding of the role of inculturation in evangelization, catechesis, and liturgical renewal and arriving at the Fourth Instruction on the Constitution on Sacred Liturgy, this new work surveys the liturgical developments made in the Roman Rite. Particular attention is given to the original and subsequent revisions to the Rite of Marriage, the Rite of Ordination, the Rites of Anointing and Viaticum, and the Order of Christian Funerals.

978-1-56854-505-9 214 pages £14.99

The Genius of the Roman Rite

Historical, Theological and Pastoral Perspectives on Catholic Liturgy

Uwe Michael Lang , Editor

This collection of essays are from the 11th International CIEL Colloquium held in 2006. It features writings about Roman Catholic Llturgical tradition from leading international academics like Eamon Duffy, Uwe Michael Lang, Laurence Paul Hemming, Alcuin Reid and Sheridan Gilley.

978-1-59525-031-5 268 pages £25.00

Hymn Introits for the Liturgical Year

The Origin and Early Development of the Latin Texts

Christoph Tietze

The introit is the entrance song to the Eucharistic celebration of the Catholic Church, sung to a prescribed text that is thematically linked to the season or the particular celebration and belongs to the category of antiphonal Mass chants. The introit chant is the last Mass propers to be researched in detail. In this groundbreaking study, Christopher Tietze presents the history and development of the introit through the ages. He has also composed performable congregational settings of the proper parts of the Mass for the liturgical year. This book shows how to make these texts practical for parish use. It will help pastors, music directors, and seminarians better understand the introit texts for practical use in today's liturgies.

978-1-59525-011-7 328 pages £23.50

Masterworks of God

Essays in Liturgical Theory and Practice

M. Francis Mannion

This collection of essays presents groundbreaking, in-depth analysis by liturgical theologian M. Francis Mannion. These thought-provoking essays cover all aspects of current liturgical practice: liturgical systems, the relationship of liturgy to culture, art, and music. They analyze the implementation of Vatican II reforms and examine the current liturgical reform movements shaping the future of liturgical celebrations.

978-1-56854-511-0 272 pages £16.50

A Modern Guide to Indulgences

Rediscovering This Often Misinterpreted Teaching

Edward Peters

The perfect companion to both the post-conciliar and revised  editions of the Enchiridion, A Modern Guide to Indulgences is a practical and pastoral guide to the Church's teaching on indulgences. It begins with an explanation of the Church's doctrine on indulgences, and offers a description and commentary on the major indulgences recognized by the Church.

978-1-59525-024-7 128 pages £11.50  - Now out of print

Living the Mystery of Marriage
Building Your Sacramental Life Together
Perry J. Cahall

This unique book will assist those called to marriage to live out the wonderful, beautiful, and challenging mystery of married love by presenting a theology, spirituality, and morality of marriage at a widely accessible level.

978-1-59525-045-2 178 pages £12.99

Music in Catholic Liturgy

A Pastoral and Theological Companion to Sing to the Lord

Gerard Dennis Gill

Music in Catholic Liturgy draws on the norms and directives of the recent USCCB document, Sing to the Lord, Music in Catholic Worship. Broken into three parts, each section provides practical and accessible insight into the sung celebration of the Liturgy.

978-1-59525-028-5 162 pages £17.99 - Now out of print

Rediscovering Aquinas and the Sacraments

Studies in Sacramental Theology

Matthew Levering and Michael Dauphinais (Editors)

Rediscovering Aquinas and the Sacraments offers brief and readable essays on each of the seven sacraments as presented by St. Thomas Aquinas, in addition to chapters on his theology of worship and his understanding of liturgical devotion. The essays are written for students, scholars, and pastors who seek to learn more about Aquinas sacramental theology.

978-1-59525-032-2 156 pages £19.99 -  Now out of Print

The Reformation Period

J. D. C. Fisher

This reissue of J. D. C. Fisher's classic work introduces the reader to primary sources and translations. The book contains an English version of the early reformed rites of Baptism and Confirmation used during the Reformation period, together with other documents revealing the circumstances in which these rites were compiled and used. Fisher provides a textual study of these rites that contributes to our understanding of sacramental and liturgical history.

978-1-59525-017-9 282 pages £19.50

Reynold Hillenbrand

The Reform of the Catholic Liturgy and the Call to Social Action

This book is the first published study that makes full use of Msgr. Hillenbrand's personal papers. Interviews with those who worked with Hillenbrand also give insight into how he promoted a vision of social renewal rooted in and leading back to celebration of Catholic Liturgy.

978-1-59525-030-8 240 pages £17.99

Sacraments of Initiation

A Theology of Life, Word, and Rite

Liam Walsh OP

The original edition of this book presented a theology of sacraments that emerged out of a Church stirred into new life by the Second Vatican Council. This new edition has the advantage of being able to look not only at the twenty years of reception, but also at the way some counter-currents have developed over those years, both in theory and in practice. The sacramental theology contained in this study maintains the broad on-going agreement between what it proposes and mainstream Church teaching and practice.

978-1-59525-035-3 464 pages £32.50 hardback

Sacred Music and Liturgical Reform

Treasures and Transformations

Anthony Ruff, OSB

This book is a high-level study of liturgical music in the reforms of the Second Vatican Council. The author, a preeminent scholar of liturgical music, proposes a hermeneutic for understanding the Second Vatican Council's teachings on worship music: a balanced "inconsistency" rather than absolutist and rationalistic coherence. Ruff's focus in this study is on preservation and renewal, arising from the Council's decrees mandating both the preservation of the inherited treasury of sacred music and the adaptation and expansion of this treasury to meet the changed requirements of the reformed liturgy.

978-1-59525-021-6 704 pages £75.00 hardback

The Spirit of Celibacy

Johann Adam Möhler

Translated by Cyprian Blamires

This book is the first English translation of this classic work on celibacy and speaks well to modern day concerns about priestly celibacy and the shortage of priests.  An insightful commentary by theologian and professor Dieter Hattrup of the University of Paderborn sheds more light into this discussion, making this a wonderful addition to priestly formation, sacramental and Holy Orders courses, or for anyone concerned about celibacy and the priesthood.

978-1-59525-023-0 196 pages £17.99

The Sacrament of Reconcilation

An Anthropological and Scriptural Understanding
Robert L. Fastiggi

With the knowledge of a theologian and the skill of an historian, Robert Fastiggi links the Sacrament of Penance to its anthropological foundations, grounded in the recognition of human failure and the need for forgiveness. This anthropological foundation includes a brief overview of how non-biblical religions deal with sin and purification as well as the revelation of the human need for reconciliation presented in Sacred Scripture. He carefully unwraps the Old Testament and New Testament narratives that cover original sin, human rebellion, the need for reconciliation, conversion, forgiveness, and the remission of sin.

978 1 59525 043 8    256 pages  £24.99

Theologia Prima Sacrament of Reconcilation

What is Liturgical Theology?

David Fagerberg

"Liturgical Theology" is often a convenient label for any theology that has loosely to do with worship or Eucharist. In this innovative book, Fagerberg distinguishes liturgical theology from a general theology of worship. In straightforward, clear, concise language, he dilates our definition of liturgy.

978-1-56854-510-3 256 pages £25.00 hardback

Understanding Sacramental Healing

Anointing and Viaticum

John C. Kasza

The sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick plays a significant role in the lives of many throughout the Church, but confusion over the sacrament can result in individuals not receiving this important comfort from the Church. Understanding Sacramental Healing: Anointing and Viaticum explores the rich history of the sacrament and addresses the changes that have occurred since the Second Vatican Council by providing a theological basis for the history and pastoral practice of the sacrament of the sick.

978-1-59525-009-4 262 pages £21.50

The Virgin Martyrs

A Hagiographical and Mystagogical Interpretation

Michael J. K. Fuller

This unique book gives us the interpretive skills to re-read the lives of the saints. In modern times, the medieval stories of the saints have been ever simply ignored or have been interpreted as colourful examples of cultural history, all the while ignoring their central character and initial purpose: Christ. But the legends and stories of the saints were always told within and around the sacramental and liturgical life of the Church: in catechesis, in homilies, even in the names by which people were baptised. In other words, the saints were tools in preaching and promoting the Gospel of Christ. This clearly written book is a search for a way to read the medieval legends of the saints-all saints-through the stories of the Virgin Martyrs, so that their original and powerful stories speak to us once again.

978-159525-022-3 262 pages £19.50

Wedding Feast of the Lamb

Eucharistic Theology from a Biblical, Historical, and Systematic Perspective

Roch A. Kereszty

In this deeply theological book, Fr. Kereszty investigates the theology of the Eucharist, exploring the greatest mystery of our faith. He explains the meaning of the Eucharist, the continuity of the celebration through history, and how the congregation and presider contribute to the act each time it is performed.

978-1-59525-006-3 288 pages £28.50 hardback

What Is a Parish?

Canonical, Pastoral, and Theological Perpectives

Thomas A. Baima

The parish is the venue in which both the mission of the Church is lived, and the relationship of Catholics to the local and universal Church is mediated. Catholics come to the parish, not to the diocese, to celebrate the sacraments, to be catechised and formed, and to receive pastoral care. However, the parish is rarely examined theologically or understood from a pastoral perspective.

978-1-59525-033-9 224 pages £14.99

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