The Day Is Now Far Spent

Robert Cardinal Sarah
In Conversation with Nicolas Diat

Robert Cardinal Sarah calls The Day Is Now Far Spent his most important book. He analyzes the spiritual, moral, and political collapse of the Western world and concludes that "the decadence of our time has all the faces of mortal peril."

A cultural identity crisis, he writes, is at the root of the problems facing Western societies. "The West no longer knows who it is, because it no longer knows and does not want to know who made it, who established it, as it was and as it is. Many countries today ignore their own history. This self-suffocation naturally leads to a decadence that opens the path to new, barbaric civilizations."

While making clear the gravity of the present situation, the cardinal demonstrates that it is possible to avoid the hell of a world without God, a world without hope. He calls for a renewal of devotion to Christ through prayer and the practice of virtue.


349 pages


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God or Nothing

The Power of Silence

He Gave Us So Much
A Tribute to Benedict XVI

Robert Cardinal Sarah

“Benedict XVI was a spiritual master,” writes Robert Cardinal Sarah of his longtime mentor, after his death in 2022. “His very precise and profound theological thought is rooted in an authentic mystical and spiritual experience.” This book offers not an academic analysis of Ratzinger’s intellectual work, but  a personal sketch of the “soul of Joseph Ratzinger”, a glimpse into “the secret recesses of his heart”.

In He Gave Us So Much, Cardinal Sarah traces the spiritual contours of Ratzinger’s life and thought, revealing the image of a man on fire with love for God and neighbor. Benedict XVI was no professor in an ivory tower, but a shepherd and pastor, with the heart of a father. For him, prayer and meditation—communion with Christ—stand at the vibrant center of all Christian existence.

After a series of essays on Ratzinger, He Gave Us So Much also presents a selection of texts and homilies written by the late pope himself, arranged by Cardinal Sarah as a “spiritual itinerary” for prayer. These works invite us to follow Jesus in our own lives—body, soul, and spirit—to the ends of the earth and beyond.

“You may discover an unexpected, unknown Benedict XVI,” proposes Cardinal Sarah. “His teaching and his example are a continent, still unexplored, where the Church will be able to find nourishment for a long time.” This is no ordinary biography, but—in Sarah’s words—the “portrait of a saint”.

                       978-1-62164-684-6  250 pages    £19.99  Hardback  

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Couples, Awaken Your Love!
Robert Cardinal Sarah

With the profound insight that we have come to expect from his writings, Cardinal Robert Sarah wants to help spouses rediscover the sources of love and the means to make it grow. This book presents the essentials of a special retreat that he preached to married couples in Lourdes.

The heart of its message is the certainty that there is a path to renewal for everyone and that no situation is hopeless. This

book is for all couples, including those who are struggling, who want to rediscover that their love is a sacred story.

978-1-62164-482-8  140 pages  £12.99

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Cardinal Sarah

For Eternity
Restoring the Priesthood and Our Spiritual Fatherhood
Robert Cardinal Sarah

Collected here are the writings of the greatest saints to help priests rediscover the essence of their priesthood so the people of God can renew their gaze upon them. This is not a treatise of academic theology, Cardinal Sarah explains, but a theology of the saints that is contemplative and spiritual as well as practical and concrete.

“Each text will be for us like a renewed way of looking, a luminous feature to draw more accurately the spiritual portrait of the priest as Jesus Christ intended him and as we need him today,” writes Cardinal Sarah. “In light of these teachings of the Church and of the saints, together, we will examine the quality of our relations with God.”

“This book is an invitation to sit at the feet of Jesus, our High Priest,” Cardinal Sarah explains, “to allow ourselves to be renewed in our priesthood. At His feet and following in His footsteps, we learn to be priests, to let ourselves be formed in His image and likeness, and to enter fully into the Christian mysteries that we celebrate with faith.”


256 pages     £19.99  Hardback

From the Depths of Our Hearts

Priesthood, Celibacy and the Crisis of the Catholic Church
Benedict XVI and Robert Cardinal Sarah

The Catholic Church faces a major crisis and the turmoil in priestly ministry is at the heart of it. "The priesthood is going through a dark time," write Pope Emeritus Benedict and Cardinal Robert Sarah. "Wounded by the revelation of so many scandals, disconcerted by the constant questioning of

their consecrated celibacy, many priests are tempted by thethought of giving up and abandoning everything."

In this book, Pope Emeritus Benedict and Cardinal Robert Sarah give their brother priests and the whole Church a message of hope. They honestly address the spiritual challenges

faced by priests today, including struggles of celibacy. They point to deeper conversion to Jesus Christ as the key to faithful and fruitful priestly ministry and church reform.

From the Depths of Our Hearts is an unprecedented work by the Pope Emeritus and a Cardinal serving in the Vatican. As bishops, they write "in a spirit of filial obedience" to Pope Francis, who has said, "I think that celibacy is a gift for the Church … I don't agree with allowing optional celibacy, no."

Responding to calls for refashioning the priesthood, including proposals from the Amazonian Synod, two wise, spiritually astute pastors explain the biblical and spiritual role of the priesthood, celibacy, and genuine priestly ministry. Drawing on Vatican II, they present priestly celibacy as more than "a mere precept of ecclesiastical law". They insist that renewal of the Church is bound to a renewed understanding of priestly vocation as sharing in Jesus' priestly identity as Bridegroom of the Church.

This is a book whose crucial message is for clergy and laity alike.

 978-1-62164-414-9   140 pages    £16.50 special offer £10.00  Hardback  

Catechism of the Spiritual Life

Robert Cardinal Sarah

In this dynamic and authoritative book on the spiritual life, Cardinal Robert Sarah shows us how to enter into and progress through the spiritual life. He notes that the goal of this book is “to accompany all those who have set their hearts on responding to God’s love with a full, happy, fruitful life that will culminate in the eternal happiness of contemplating Him.”

Written as a catechism of the spiritual life, this book is organized around the sacraments, prayer, asceticism, and the liturgy and infused with a single goal: to make us all aware that our Baptism is the beginning of a great conversion — the great return to the Father.

Cardinal Sarah invites you to journey with him through the Gospels and discover the origin and meaning of each of the sacraments and how they are essential to helping you grow in your personal relationship with Jesus, foster your contemplative life, and flourish in communion with the Holy Trinity.

You will learn about the mysteries of our Faith — from the importance of being baptized shortly after birth, and thereby “plunged into the paschal mystery,” to receiving Confirmation as a child so as to be open to the liberating action of the Holy Spirit.

You will also learn about how the baptized are to prepare for spiritual priesthood — through docility and offering to God all the love, works, joys, prayers, and sufferings of their lives. In like manner, Cardinal Sarah explains how to renew the ordained priesthood, married life, and much more.

                       978-1-68278-293-4  336 pages    £19.99  Hardback

Click here for Statement by
Cardinal Robert Sarah

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