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Angelico Press
Selected New Titles

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The Beauty of Holiness and The Holiness of Beauty
Art, Sanctity, and the Truth of Catholicism
John Saward

Drawing on the wisdom of the Church’s Fathers and Doctors, this book is not on art history, but on the attractive radiance of Catholic truth.Its goal is to help Christians grow in wonder at the glory of Divine Revelation, to which both the Church’s saints and the Church’s art bear witness.

978-1-62138-738-1  204 pages  £15.50

The Other World We Live In
A Catholic Vision of Angelic Reality
Scott Randall Paine

When angelic reality is factored into our view of creation and our moral struggles, that view matures and broadens. The "plane" of humankind and cosmos will lack three-dimensionality until intersected by the companion world of the pure spirits.

978-1-62138-780-0   194 pages  £16.00

A Doctor at Calvary
The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ as Described by a Surgeon
Pierre Barbet, M.D.

What kind and what degree of physical torture did Our Lord suffer during His agony? What was the medical cause of His death? These are the questions the author, an eminent French surgeon, answers in this work, one of the most significant contributions to Christological science in modern times.

978-1-62138-702-2  196 pages   £16.00

Medjugorje Complete
The Definitive Account of the Visions and Visionaries
Donal Anthony Foley

Looks at the alleged visions of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Medjugorje, their origins, and their impact on the Catholic Church
. If you want to know the truth - forty years after the story began —Medjugorje Complete offers the definitive account in this wealth of data on the apparitions.

978-1-62138-746-6  526 pages  £22.00

Popes, Emperors, and Elephants
The First Thousand Years of Christian Culture
Roy Peachey

A book that explores intriguing questions such as “What did the past sound like?” “When did the Roman Empire really end?” and “Were the barbarians barbarians?” Whether you want to know the history of the liturgy, when

Vesuvius really destroyed Pompeii, or why hair matters in history, this is a book that will provide the answers.

978-1-62138-699-5  224 pages  £16.00

Staying Tender
ontemplation, pathway to passion
Luke Bell, OSB

is illuminating journey from earth to heaven, from within to without, from isolation to communion, helps us look afresh at the world God has made and remade, at the soul wherein He abides if only we will welcome Him, at the Church to which we are blessed to belong, and at the mystery of the

Trinity that is the primal font and ultimate meaning of all reality.

978-1-62138-538-7   146 pages  £15.50

Stronger Than Steel
Soldiers of the Great War Write to Thérèse of Lisieux
Foreword by Fr Dwight Longennecker

This remarkable collection of letters from soldiers fighting in the Great War and enduring its abysmal horrors are astonishing and moving testimonies of how St Thérèse appeared to them or spoke to them when invoked - how she miraculously protected and healed them when doctors despaired, and encouraged them in the trials of battle.

978-1-62138-718-3  174 pages £15.50

A Voice in the Wilderness
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
on the Church, America, and the World

ollects for the fi rst time all the major writings of Archbishop Viganò from August 2018 to January 2021, with explanatory introductions and notes by Brian M. McCall. Finally available in one place to allow for easy access, assimilation, and debate, it is the defi nitive edition of an extraordinary body of pronouncements that have stirred up vehement controversy on all sides.

978-1-62138-696-4  442 pages  £21.00

The Vulnerary of Christ
The Mysterious Emblems of the Wounds in the Body
and Heart of Jesus Christ
Louis Charbonneau-Lassay

Finally published for the first time more than 70 years after its author’s death, contains exceptional findings by French Catholic archaeologist and

symbologist Louis Charbonneau-Lassay (1871-1946) on the five wounds

of Christ: their symbolism, representations, and meaning in Christian art.

978-1-62138-676-6  586 pages  £26.00

Dante’s Divine Comedy

A Guide for the Spiritual Journey

Mark Vernon

Dante’s masterpiece presents a cosmic vision of reality, which he invites his readers to traverse with him. In this narrative retelling and guide, from the gates of hell, up to the empyrean of paradise, Mark Vernon offers a vivid introduction and interpretation of a book that, 700 years on, continues to open minds and change lives.

978-1-62138-748-0  462 pages  £20.00

From Benedict’s Peace to Francis’s War
Catholics Respond to the Motu Proprio Traditiones Custodes
on the Latin Mass

Edited by Peter A. Kwasniewski

Already on July 16, 2021, the reactions to Pope Francis’s severe restrictions on the traditional Latin Mass in Traditionis Custodes were like a river in full flood: articles, essays, interviews, podcasts—everywhere and from every point of view.
The two-month period following the release of the motu proprio gave proof that the traditionalist movement was no fringe phenomenon, but something that had gained significant strength and sympathy during the relatively peaceful years from 2007 to 2021 (the “Pax Benedictina” to which the book’s title refers).

This book offers a variety of critiques of this profoundly unwise and unpastoral decree, which suffers from incoherent doctrinal foundations, grave moral and juridical defects, and impossible ecclesiological implications.

978-1-62138-786-2  406 pages  £21.00

The Grace of ‘”Nothingness”
Navigating the Spiritual Life with Blessed Columba Marmion
Fr Cassian Koenemann OSB

Seeks to rekindle the fire for a new generation of Blessed Columba Marmion’s dogmatically-grounded spiritual theology, which he expressed in artful prose. Says that if we place our confidence in God we will receive the grace we need.

978-1-62138-809-8  184 pages  £16.00

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