The Catholic Hymn Book

The most wide-ranging traditional Catholic hymn book with over 300 classic hymns.

Available in hardback Melody and Harmony editions, handsomely laid-out to the highest standards of clarity, meeting the needs of organists, choirs and congregations.  Words and music drawn from all the major schools of European hymnody from the early Church to the present day, with special attention given to those hymns which have stood the test of time from both the Catholic and non-Catholic English traditions.

It deserves to be studied by church musicians of all denominations, and to be used by

Catholic churches throughout the land   Church Music Quarterly

Melody Edition  528 pages

978 085244 991 2  £15.00 Paperback*

978 085244 358 3  £20.00 Hardback*

Harmony Edition 615 pages

978 085244 359 0  £35.00 Hardback    

* Please email if considering a bulk order.


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